Morning at the Martha

Morning at the Martha, Plein Air Landscape
Morning at the Martha
As for the inspiration, I was drawn toward the way the light was striking the "Barter Theatre" that morning and the silhouette "The Martha" sign created and thought it would make for a special piece. I was equally inspired by the visit of Mr. Ian Lloyd, Jr., owner of The Martha. He shared how pleased he was to have me there painting on his lawn. He has plans for an art show in January 2024 or January 2025 and asked that I participate to which I gladly accepted. What a gentleman and it was so nice meeting him. I don't believe I would have been able to finish if Sam (office admin) hadn't offered the hot coffee and warm fire when I went in to give her my information for the show. Thank you Sam!

My process was using Vasari Raw Umber for the main transparent color and striking a few spots with that mixed with Dioxizine Purple around the awning and lastly two little dots of Cad Yellow Deep for the lights under it! Such a fun rendering.

Plein Air Landscape    9 x 12 x 0.25