Black Barbies On The Yard

Black Barbies On The Yard, Plein Air Oil
Black Barbies On The Yard
There is something beautiful about having a place called home. It holds various meanings from one person to another and it can be biological or chosen. There is a sanctity and security that we as humans long to feel when in our homes. A desire to feel apart of something, something that may be bigger than ourselves. We dream big and hope for the best but sometimes are met with the absolute worst. There’s resilience instilled in our blood that keeps us going no matter what. We prosper within everything we do, We stand true with every word we say and We move with integrity with every act we commit. I want to find my home but maybe I might have to build my own. I am the safe space and will create one for you. Have you find yours?

Plein Air Oil    76 x 208 x 1.5