A Sunny Day in Cefalu: A Watercolor Puzzle

A Sunny Day in Cefalu: A Watercolor Puzzle, Plein Air Watercolor & Gouache
A Sunny Day in Cefalu: A Watercolor Puzzle
When I arrived in Cefalu, Sicily I was eager to settle in on the beach and start painting. I was drawn to the colorful and chaotic buildings that lined the water’s edge. They looked like a puzzle of shapes, colors, and textures. I wondered what was inside them, how old they were, and who lived there. I tried to capture their charm and character in my watercolor painting. Later, when I finished my painting, I walked along the beach and explored the buildings. I discovered a cozy cafe tucked into one of the houses, where I enjoyed a cup of coffee and cannoli.

Plein Air Watercolor & Gouache    8.3 x 11.7